Ronald Reagan on Border Security
June 18, 2019
The Ronald Reagan border security position is a topic that has been in the news a fair amount recently, as proponents on all sides of the hot-button issue of immigration continue to search for a solution. While President Trump has made the claim that Reagan was in favor of building a wall along the Southern border to restrict illegal immigration from Mexico, that wasn't quite the case. Here is a more accurate look at what Reagan's approach truly was:
First and foremost, the president advocated for legal migration, understanding that the best way for migrants to join American society was through the legal channels available to them. A strong believer in the principles of American freedom and the equality they promise to all, Reagan recognized the value that immigrants have always brought to the country and the potential they could have on its future.
The president advocated for American borders to be “two-way,” noting that a physical barrier wouldn’t solve the deeper issues that fuel illegal immigration. So, the Reagan border security approach wasn't centered on a wall, but more so on a comprehensive formula.
“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit?” Reagan said in a 1980 presidential debate. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back.”
Among the steps Reagan took to address immigration was advocating for more stringent surveillance—believing increased resources and use of technology to monitor borders by both land and air was a more practical approach than a barrier. He also signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986. It instated tougher penalties for employers that hired illegal immigrants, while also allowing undocumented immigrants who came into the country prior to 1982 to legally remain—as long as they hadn’t committed crimes and could demonstrate cultural knowledge—while levying taxes and fines. The next year, he signed an executive order to grant amnesty to children of undocumented immigrants living in stable households with parents who were attempting to legalize.
“I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here, even though some time back, they may have entered illegally,” Reagan said in a 1984 presidential debate.
While President Reagan championed stronger border security, he did so in a way that recognized the underlying problems at play and worked to create sensible solutions.
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It is now 2019 and illegal immigration is now much more aggressive. Border security is critical at this time, it is imminently necessary to work with other countries AND build a secure barrier NOW.
[email protected]
Half my immediate family came as first generation immigrants. They embraced the American values of freedom with responsibility, hard work for just reward and patriotism and respect for the flag of their new country was expected without question.
What is happening with the massive invasion of illegals now is clearly an carefully planned, intended overwhelming inundation of our border protection resources to ultimately provide a voting block of primarily uneducated, dependent peasants for the Dem/Socialist Party to take the coming and future elections by mob rule. Their fight against valid voter ID's, installation of "motor voter" laws the greatly expedite vote fraud are all clear examples of the blatant intent to win at any cost, not matter by what means. A typical "progressive" (read Communist) methodology long perfected in Eastern Europe and practiced wherever naive populations acquiesce to such dangerous manipulation.
We need ICE agents at every polling place in the country for the coming election or at least in every polling place in every Democrat-controlled states, particularly California, New York and Illinois. -
If I recall President Regan was a great president that I supported almost totally. I also seem to recall that he granted amnesty to about three million or so illegals that were already in the country. The agreement was that in exchange for that act, our leaders were to enforce the immigration law on the books which has never happened and is still not happening which has brought us to where we are today.
President Trump is doing the best he can to overcome the problem we face due primarily to an ineffective legislative branch that is more focused on destroying the president than they are in doing the job which is legislating and producing an annual budget. Enough said -
[email protected]
Well, yesterday has come and gone. The employment rules have not worked, mutual national agreement has not worked, sanctuary cities, free social services among other distortions have happened. Now, we have to simply keep them out!
I know and love Reagan in so many ways, but times are different today. Turning California into a one party system as it today is the destructive part of many years of illegal immigration. Reagan was duped by Democrats when granting amnesty back in the 80’s. He used it as a bartering chip. The problem today is we are being overwhelmed. I’m confident that the coward-Piven strategy is at work to overload our system. I agree with most of what you write, but get a clue. Build the wall.
WoW! I read this blog and it is very rare to find so many comments on one article. I am in complete agreement with each comment. I also believe that many of us are so completely fed up with the way this duly elected President has been badgered and slandered in every form of media. Perhaps the blog writer triggered this many responses because his opening statement sounds like another little jab at our President. Unlike any President we have ever seen, Trump is a successful businessman who gets up every morning and fights through the insanity around him to run this huge business and just keep doing what we elected him to do. He is not a politician (thank God!) and he does his best to keep his promises to the people who put him in that office in spite of everything the opposition throws at him. God bless our President Trump and God bless America!
I admire President Reagan on many fronts, but he was deceived by Democrats when he signed the immigration bill. Quotes in this blog are based on the status of our immigration then. Today I think he would agree with President Trump that we need a physical barrier in addition to immigration law reform. We are on a fast path to financial and cultural ruin.
[email protected]
I wonder how Reagan felt about his agreement to grant amnesty first and then follow it up with the changes to our laws the Dems ultimately refused to pass? That has led to our current situation. If he were alive today he might have a different opinion about a wall in high traffic areas.
[email protected]
And his solutions were sensible.
It would have been ironic if he had suggested building a wall on one of the United States' borders, while he advocated that the Soviet Union tear down the Berlin Wall.
Remember that if a fence or wall can protect you from those coming in, it can also prevent you from getting out. -
Immigration has become a weapon against the United States now. And a huge money maker for Criminals. This is an invasion not immigration. President Reagan would be building a "fence" against this invasion! Life has changed and integration is not even in the language now. Diversity is the is the tone of the day!